CoLaboratory in Progress

CoLaboratory was, without a doubt, one of the more ambitious projects (f)utility projects has embarked on. They had been invited to participate with another group, EDJR, consisting of four members – Edra Soto, Deborah Boardman, Jeroen Nelemans, and Ryan Richey. As a group, EDJR had been painting onto canvas performatively, and after much deliberation and a scale model of the gallery, the opportunity arose – what if those paintings were projected onto other canvases, and allowed the viewer to insert him-or-herself back into the work?

It took about six months of planning and construction to build the intervention that became CoLaboratory, along with multiple locations for making the project. The project began at the SAIC shops, and the final month of construction and installation occurred directly in the site of the gallery. Of note, this project was the first that (f)utility had made without assistance from digital modeling. Instead, there were plenty of hand drawings made and numbering schemes devised as a group of artists attempted to stay organized.


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Terrain South Install
Reestablish Return Process
Terrain South Opening
Reestablish Return
Colab Trial Run
Colab action
CoLaboratory in Progress