Location of Things

What if things only exist insofar they are visible? Isn’t it possible – to extend Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle – that what we are unable to observe (for lack of refracted light or otherwise) doesn’t exist at all? Located in an anonymous storefront space along an underground passageway beneath Chicago’s Cultural Center, The Location of Things explores our visual cognition – how and whether we “know” something exists. Working alongside former drawing students, we borrowed from the architectural vernacular of our surroundings, recreating at full scale a nearby stairwell that connects the underground with the street level. Studying the stairwell through Rhinoceros, a digital modeling program, we selectively eliminated those visual aspects of the stairwell that were in shadow, leaving only the illuminated parts. These, we created using white photo backdrop paper, which we suspended with monofilament in the room we’d painted black.

This project was partially supported by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.

Continue to Part II

This installation was a project of Paola Cabal, in collaboration with –

Amanda Tworek

Bailey Romaine

Laura Denzer

Chris Grieshaber

Michael Genge

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Approaching the Nanofax Singularity
Reestablish Return at Terrain South
Depth of Field
Location of Things, Part II: Process